schools and daycares in tuscaloosa & Northport

Moving to Tuscaloosa with your kids? We know that one of the most important decisions to take is the school for your children and that is why there are few important things that you need to know.


Before renting or buying a house you need to decide if you are going to enroll them in a private or public school, since it will determinate the area where you need to live.


Public schools in Tuscaloosa are determinate by districts. Depending where your house is located your children will attend to one or other school. If you have decided your children's school, you will have to choose your home according with the determinate district area.


Children between the ages of six and 17 are required to attend school in Alabama. Children entering kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before September 2nd. Children entering first grade must be six (6) years old on or before December 31st.


For kids from infants to school age exist the named Child Care Centers or Day Care Centers. There are so many along the city and many of them are managed from different churches. You can check on the Internet which is the closest to your home and which is the one that most adjust to your necessities. If you have any questions about some Day Care Centers near you contact us and we will get in touch with other expats to let you know which can be the best for you!


Public school are managed by Tuscaloosa City School (TCS). For families who speak languages other than English, The Tuscaloosa City Schools offers Language Communication in other languages in an effort to better communicate with Line Services at all locations. If you need to communicate with your child’s school and are non-English speaking, please ask for Language Line Services so an interpreter can be provided.



If your child is between the ages of 3 and 18 and is not a native English speaker, you should get in touch with the English Language Learner (ELL) coordinators in Tuscaloosa before your arrival to the U.S.  The local ELL coordinators are


Kristi Garcia in the Tuscaloosa City School System–

Leah Jones in the Tuscaloosa County School System –


private schools

If you prefer private education for your children, you can find a list here with some private schools in Tuscaloosa. In this case, you will be able to live at any place since your residence will not affect to the school but you have to pay for it. 

The capitol school


The Capitol School is a Multiple Intelligence School founded in 1993 whose mission is to educate responsible citizens of the world.


Since 1993, The Capitol School faculty has worked to find ways to incorporate Multiple Intelligences opportunities for their faculty and students in preschool through 12th grades. Medical research indicates the capacities of the brain and how the mind is organized.

Harvard psychologist, Dr. Howard Gardner, wrote Frames of Mind: Multiple Intelligences in 1983 and identified multiple intelligences - rather than one general intelligence.

Read more about The Capitol School.




The Capitol School provides programs for children ages 1 - 30 month in the nursery and 2.5 years through high school graduation with an Advanced Academic Diploma. The Capitol School is fully accredited by AdvancED. This agency's report stated: "The Capitol School offers its students the best practices in education."


International Accreditation


Across the 11 southern states, there are only 10 schools that have attained international accreditation. International accreditation means that educational excellence, measured by world class standards, is practiced at The Capitol School. International accreditation ensures that all credits earned at The Capitol School are transferable to any accredited school throughout the world. Over the past decade, students from 57 different countries have been enrolled. Currently, one student in four was born abroad or has parents who are citizens of foreign countries.

Tuscaloosa city schools

You will find any information about the Tuscaloosa City Schools on the TCS Website


TCS Central Office

1210 21st Avenue

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Phone: 205-759-3700 • Fax: 205-759-3542

zoning map of tuscaloosa city schools

Click Here for more information about the Tuscaloosa city schools zones. 

Tuscaloosa County schools (including northport)

Schools outside the Tuscaloosa city limits are part of the the Tuscaloosa County School System - TCSS, which includes all schools in Northport.


There are a total of 10 schools within the Northport city limits.




Northport Elementary School

Huntington Place Elementary

Faucett-Vestavia Elementary

Matthews Elementary

Crestmont Elementary

Flatwoods Elementary


Middle School:

Echols Middle School

Collins-Riverside Middle School


High School:

Tuscaloosa County High School


Regional Education Center:

Sprayberry  Education Center



To all schools in the Tuscaloosa County you will find informations here. Unfortunately there is no Zoning Map yet.

best school districts in tuscaloosa city and county according to niche

Doubts about what school is the best for your kids?


Niche is a platform that helps to discover the schools and neighborhoods that are right for each person. This ranking is based on rigorous an analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Ranking factors include state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, public school district ratings, and more.

elementary schools (K-5th grade)

  1. Tuscaloosa Magnet School - Elementary School
  2. Rock Quarry Elementary School
  3. Verner Elementary School
  4. Lake View Elementary School
  5. Maxwell Elementary School

middle schools (6th-8th grade)

  1. Tuscaloosa Magnet School - Middle School
  2. Rock Quary Middle School
  3. Hillcrest Middle School  
  4. Duncanville Middle School
  5. Echols Middle School

high schools (9th-12th Grade)

  1. Hillcrest High School
  2. Northridge High School
  3. Northside High School
  4. Tuscaloosa County High School

More detailed information you can find here

Non-native english speakers



If your child is between the ages of 3 and 18 and is not a native English speaker, you should get in touch with the English Language Learner (ELL) coordinators in Tuscaloosa before your arrival to the U.S. 


The local ELL coordinators are Kristi Garcia in the Tuscaloosa City Schools –; Tuscaloosa City Schools ESL Website or Leah Jones in the Tuscaloosa County School System –